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Web Form & Survey

Salesforce for Web Form & Survey

Web forms and surveys let you capture significant data and feedback from your target audience. Through Salesforce Web Form & Survey Apps, you can create mobile-responsive forms and survey whether it's product feedback, interview questionnaire, and more within just minutes with intuitive drag-and-drop features and other easy-to-use functionalities.


Simple Survey











How do Customer Onboarding Apps work for Salesforce?

Create corporate branded and mobile-responsive forms and surveys within just minutes with intuitive drag-and-drop features and other easy-to-use functionalities of a Salesforce Web Form & Survey App. You can transform these forms and surveys into quizzes, lead forms, questionnaires, checklists, and assessments. It boosts your data collection capabilities and increases productivity.

App Features that you need

Dynamic Control

Configure dynamic questions with dependency logic based on responses from previous questions.

Flexible Builder

Craft versatile, mobile-friendly forms and surveys tailored to any business scenario, connecting documents and objects.

Multi-Lingual Support

Send surveys/forms in respondent's language; configure settings to translate answers afterward.

Form Pre-filling

When a respondent opens a form, it can be pre-filled with Salesforce data connected to their profile.

Security Features

Ensure GDPR & HIPAA compliance with secure forms featuring advanced privacy controls.

Integration Capabilities

Seamlessly connect forms/surveys with various platforms for enhanced functionality.