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IT Operations Management

What Is ITOM?

At the heart of every successful organization lies a robust IT infrastructure. IT Operations Management (ITOM) encompasses the technology, services, and infrastructure that an IT Department provides to ensure seamless operations in the SERVICENOW portal. This includes applications, storage, networking, hardware, and software. The core objective of ITOM is to guarantee that your organization enjoys high-performance IT services accessible anywhere, anytime.

ServiceNow ITOM

In a hypothetical scenario, imagine an IT team meticulously preparing for a company-wide software update using ServiceNow or a similar portal. However, on the go-live day, 10% of the staff does not receive the update, leading to a significant impact on productivity. Without a modern ITOM solution, the team would struggle to identify the root cause, potentially making decisions with limited information. With ITOM in place, issues can be swiftly pinpointed using tools like Service Mapping ,enabling informed decisions backed by data through Operational Intelligence. Proactive prevention through Orchestration further enhances user experience and minimizes outages, making ITOM crucial for business success.

The Benefits of ITOM

ServiceNow ITOM streamlines issue identification, enables informed decisions with Operational Intelligence, and proactively prevents outages through Orchestration for optimal business performance.
Enhance company-wide visibility of IT resources with Service Mapping and Discovery.
Manage service health with AIOps, operational intelligence, & machine learning.
Increase agility and operational efficiency in your cloud environment.
Transform your IT operations into a service that consistently delivers quality solutions to your organization.

Service Now CMDB

Service Now Configuration Management Database (CMDB) is a user-friendly, cloud-based single system of record for infrastructure and service data, integral to your entire IT value stream. It serves as the single source of truth, enabling you to gain deeper insights into your IT environment, including service impact analysis, asset management, compliance, and configuration management. Maintaining a healthy CMDB is vital for harnessing the full potential of the Service Now Platform. As IT infrastructures grow in complexity, your CMDB serves as the backbone for ensuring high service availability, security, and visibility across your organization. Monitoring and maintaining CMDB health is essential for continuous and effective use