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IT Asset Management

Unlock the Power of ITAM

Is managing your IT assets starting to feel like you're in the Wild West, chasing down rogue hardware, wrestling with software licenses, and trying to tame unruly spending? It's time to bring order to the chaos with a modern, intelligent IT Asset Management platform. Welcome to the world of ServiceNow IT Asset Management.

What Is ITAM?

IT Asset Management (ITAM) is a crucial set of business practices that enables enterprises to effortlessly track, deploy, maintain, update, and retire their IT assets. An IT asset can be anything from hardware like laptops and servers to software licenses and cloud services, or even digital assets such as media and digital content. But it’s not just about keeping tabs on assets. ITAM dives into the financial value and risk associated with each asset. It merges financial, inventory, contractual, and risk management tasks, allowing businesses to oversee the entire life cycle of their assets and make informed tactical and strategic decisions.

Bringing Order to IT Chaos

ServiceNow IT Asset Management streamlines software, hardware, and cloud asset management. It automates request assignment, maintenance tracking, and lifecycle assessments. Integrated with CMDB, it simplifies data management. Collaborating with ServiceNow's ITSM applications enhances inventory control and service delivery efficiency.

Why Your Business Requires ITAM ?

In large enterprises, the number of assets can be staggering. Just consider a single department, like your Austin-based customer support team. Each team member may have a laptop, monitors, phones, printers, and various software licenses. Multiply this by the entire organization, and the complexity becomes apparent. How do you ensure that your organization isn’t overspending on unnecessary technology or, worse, failing to comply with software licenses? Imagine receiving a notice from a software vendor about an impending license audit. The thought alone can be nerve-wracking. ServiceNow IT Asset Management is your solution. It helps you inventory your assets, maintain license compliance, and gain insights into the cost and value of every asset across your enterprise.

The Benefits of ITAM

With ServiceNow ITAM, you can transform your IT operations, optimize costs, reduce risks, and automate workflows for seamless collaboration between departments.

  • Gain full visibility into your asset inventory to make informed decisions, optimize asset utilization, and deliver superior services.
  • Reduce IT costs by automating processes and tracking expenses throughout the asset life cycle.
  • Mitigate risk by enforcing asset policies and compliance requirements.